EUROCERT S.A. is an accredited company, with expertise in sampling and quality control of construction materials and bulk cargo. We employ professional inspectors who are experts in their field and combine their specialist knowledge with a deep understanding of our clients' needs.
The Maritime department offers services that extend beyond ship inspections and to sampling and quality and quantity controls of loading and unloading materials, as well as quality tests, on a wide range of construction materials as well as A' materials (inert materials).
We support with the most modern sampling methods, the sophisticated control of the processes, in order to optimize the production of the new construction materials, in the industrial processing units. We combine continuous education with striving to become better every day, while drawing knowledge from leading scientific research, we ensure that we are truly experts.
EUROCERT S.A. It offers a unique coverage and presence worldwide, while at the same time it is one of the leading providers of innovative and technologically advanced services in the field of certifications and controls.