
W o r l d L e a d e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n

Construction Services

From inspection, certification and testing through to project management.

Eurocert offers the experience, expertise and resources you need to ensure your project is completed successfully.

Eurocert supports both the private and the public sector on all phases of the construction process assuring the best outcome for the client’s needs.

Services during construction from EUROCERT S.A. ensure that the construction projects are completed to the required quality, on time and within budget.

EUROCERT S.A. offers services that help you to reduce risks, impede construction mistakes, command budgets and keep to the construction schedule.

EUROCERT S.A. has significant experience that includes all aspects of construction and offers you the necessary skills needed to provide an inclusive supervision and inspection for all types of construction projects.

Construction Services
Services include

  • Site inspection during the construction phase
  • Building materials testing
  • Approval of materials and equipment incorporated in the construction
  • Supervision of laboratory testing
  • Supplier audits
  • Supervision of Project Quality Plan during the construction works
  • Project Quality Plans reviews and approvals
  • Plant inspection for pre-manufactured products
  • Persons certification
  • Weld inspection and testing
Ahmed Sheshtawy

Ahmed Sheshtawy

Regional Manager / Electrical Engineer

Tel: 971526881222

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