
W o r l d L e a d e r C e r t i f i c a t i o n


To the Machinery manufacturers mentioned in 2006/42/EC European Directive. The certification of certain categories of machines mentioned in Annex IV of the above directive (such as wood/meat processing machines, metal presses/strands, vehicle lifts, waste collection bins, waste vehicles, plastic molding machines, lifting machinery etc.) is mandatory carried out by an Accredited and Notified Body with the type examination procedure or the full quality assurance procedure.
The European Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC was introduced to establish
broad safety objectives for manufacturers and distributors of a wide range of
mechanical equipment. The
Directive requires manufacturers to demonstrate that their products comply with the various EU regulations and EN standards related to the machinery they produce.
Independent certification he
lp manufacturers with the testing process and can help approve their products. Once approved, a CE mark must affix to the
product, which permits distribution in the EU and European Economic Area

What is CE marking of Machinery

The CE marking, which stands for "Conformite Européenne," is a label that must appear on all machinery that can be sold in European Union (EU) member states. The mark can be seen as a 'passport' which allows manufacturers around the world to transport and sell their products freely in the European Union's internal market.
The CE marking informs the millions of European consumers that the
manufacturer has manufactured the products in accordance with European health, safety and environmental regulations.
Before placing the machinery on the market and/or starting their use, the manufacturer or the authorized representative

Ensures that the machine meets the relevant health and safety requirements listed in Annex I (2006/42/EC)


Ensure that the technical documentation referred to in Part A of Annex VII is available (2006/42/EC)


Provides, in particular, the necessary information, such as instructions for use


Applies the appropriate conformity assessment procedure in accordance with Article 12 (2006/42/EC)


Isuue the EC Declaration of Conformity in accordance with Annex II part 1 section A and ensures that this declaration accompanies the machine (2006/42/EC)


Affixes the "CE" marking in accordance with Article 16 (2006/42/EC)


In the case of Annex IV machines, it follows the type examination procedure or the full quality assurance procedure.

In the case of the type examination procedure the Notified Body acts in accordance with Annex IX of the Directive.

In the case of the full quality assurance process the Notified Body assesses/supervises the quality system according to Annex X of the Directive.

The goals and Benefits

  • Single framework of rules within the EU
  • Safety and protection of people using relative machines
  • Elimination of obstacles to free trade due to differences in National Legislation
  • Compliance of relative equipment with essential safety requirements depending on the type of equipment


Independence: EUROCERT is a Greek Independent Certification Body, with highly trained scientific inspectors and experienced in the field they operate,founded by scientists with many years of experience in audits and inspections,with offices in 50 countries worldwide.

Validity: EUROCERT is a Notified Body in the European Union with registration nr 1128 for the certification of various categories of machinery and an Accredited Body by the Greek Accreditation Council (ESYD), with accreditation certificate nr 21.

Experience: More than 15 years of activity in the certification of machinery.

Relative Documents

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Ahmed Sheshtawy

Ahmed Sheshtawy

Regional Manager / Electrical Engineer

Tel: +971526881222

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